Your Job is Just A Label

When asked what you do, you’ll reply with something like “I am a Salesman”.

You are not. It would be more accurate to say “I am working as a Salesman”. That might be true. But even then, it’s only temporary.

Your job is a temporary state – a label. It’s not who you are. It’s something you do. You should never identify yourself with your job.

It’s nothing more than a constraint. It limits the perspective you have about yourself. If you identify with your job you’ll make it harder to see yourself beyond that temporary state.

This will limit your growth. It will limit your self worth. It will even limit the understanding you have of yourself.

So the next time someones asks you what you do, tell them what you’re working on. But never again say something along the lines of “I am a Salesman”.

Build a personal brand that really suits you.


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