Solve For Others

It’s far easier to help others solving their problem than it is to solve our own.

Peculiar, isn’t it? So why is this?

  1. You can see the bigger picture.
    Just by asking a couple of questions, you can gain perspective. They’re in the weeds. They’re throwing up non-existing boundaries. Often, people are afraid of getting results because it means there’s a consequence. That consequence is unknown. This means they’re spinning round in circles.
  2. You’re not attached to the outcome.
    The minute they do something, they’ll get a result. Good or bad. Both outcomes mean they have to do something with it. Continue or adjust. The minute they take action, there’s a consequence. Whether they like it or not. But the consequence is not yours, it’s theirs.

Want to solve your own problems? Accept that not knowing is the biggest part of it. Take that step. Gain that perspective.

Build a personal brand that really suits you.


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