Is Your Online Presence In Line With Your Brands Promise?

I had a revelation recently: Online, you are who you say you are.

Think about it. If you present yourself as a professional photographer, then you are perceived as one. If you claim to be a world-class marketer, people believe you. But there’s a catch…

Your content should align with these declarations.

This gives you two choices. You can either:

  1. Validate your statements with proof.
  2. Undermine your credibility by discussing unrelated topics.

Even before I joined the Kortex Bootcamp, I committed to “learning out loud” and “doubling my monthly income.” Since then, I changed my bio, profile picture, and banner, and began posting more consistently. The results? My followers grew from 129 to 452 in about 8 weeks—a modest, yet steady growth of around 40 followers per week.

But here’s where I stumbled. Despite these growth metrics, I realized I was part of the second group. My bio speaks to learning in public and doubling my income, both of which are true. Yet, my timeline tells a different story.

Now, I still don’t believe in niching down. But people follow you for your brand. If your brand claims something and you don’t talk about it at all, you’re failing your following. 

So where did I go wrong?

Instead of sharing my learning journey and financial growth, I talk about losing weight, morning sunlight, and workout routines. While these topics are valuable, they don’t align with the expectations set by my bio. It’s more like a fitness brand, not a personal growth and business strategy account.

This inconsistency between my branding and messaging is not unique. You see it all over the place, it’s actually very common. 

Many start with a clear idea but quickly veer off track, posting whatever comes to mind rather than sticking to their core message. This shift dilutes their brand and disappoints their audience.

So, what’s the solution?

Stay true to your brand promise. Consistently share content that aligns with your stated goals and values. Your audience followed you for a reason—meet their expectations.

What to do right now: Review your own online presence. Does your content reflect the promises you make in your bio? If not, it’s time for a course correction. Share your learning journey, showcase your achievements, and align every post with your brand’s core message.

Join Learn Out Loud Want to learn how to keep your content aligned with your brand promise and attract a loyal following? 

This is what creates a solid basis to make great things happen. Learn new skills. Create that opportunity you’ve always wanted. Double your salary. Start that business. 

Sign up now and start transforming your online presence today.

Build a personal brand that really suits you.


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