Category: Shorts

  • To Make Common

    Something I can’t stop thinking about lately: communication.  It stems from the Latin “communicare” which means “to make common”. Beautiful isn’t it? It implies collaboration. We often think of communication of one way traffic. Venting your message. But communication goes much further than that. You have a responsibility when communicating.  It’s your task to make…

  • You Do You

    You do you. Don’t try to be someone you’re not.

  • Doing Without Knowing

    You can’t know what’ll happen. Yet you start. You take action. Not everybody does so I’m rooting for you. Doing without Knowing.

  • Tranquil

    Spotted this family of Geese. I love the tranquility of the scene. The ripples in the water, the early morning light reflecting on their bodies, the entire setting just seems so serene to me.

  • Solve For Others

    It’s easier to solve other peoples problems than it is your own. You’re attached to your problems and the results.

  • Your Job is Just A Label

    Your job is a label. You are not your job, you’re far more than just that.

  • It’s Not the Staff’s Lack of Performance.

    We often blame our staff’s performance when a department is underperforming. But it’s often management’s fault.

  • Can You Be Fully Authentic in Public?

    Can you ever be fully authentic, when building a personal brand?